Monday, March 17

New Favorites

It's official - I've ticked off my back. It is NOT happy with me. After being layed-up in my apartment all weekend (I literally couldn't sit or stand without my back going into fits of hysteria), I decided enough was enough!! It's time for help!! I made it to work, grabbing my back several times through the day & looking at the clock, just hoping time would move faster so I could my Spa Night.

I had found a nearby day spa with evening hours & very reasonable rates for MASSAGE THERAPY.

After looking over the menu of several massage options, I selected 'deep tissue,' ...and found out shortly that means the massage therapist's goal is to put their fingers & elbows through your back & out the other side, or so their hand is at least wrist deep into your body - whichever happens first. My gal asked me a quarter of the way into my session, politely as she could, ' long has it been since your last massage?' as she pressed the entire weight of her frame through her elbows into one of the many rocks & twigs that had somehow found their way under my skin. I laughed and said 'Ummm, too long? I can't remember...maybe over 2 years ago. Why, [grimace, flinch, toes curl]...can you tell?' We laughed. I knew I was in rough shape going into the session, but found out in more graphic detail just HOW bad when I had to remind myself to keep breathing through the pain as she worked.

I left in a wonderful fog (a state of relaxation, but quite likely endorphin-enduced!); made the drive safely home (did NOT take the 405 - horrid); ate a fibrous dinner; finished off a large tank of water; pulled out my epsom salt & candles; and will soon be draining what's left of me down the tub.

Oh, it feels so worth every penny; even the detox after-burn & achey muscles are worth it to be able to start feeling like I can move normally again!

So my new favorite thing of the week is this: Spa Night. I've decided it's a must-have. Probably won't always be able to include the knot-pulverizing massage, but I hope to keep up with water jugs, epsom baths, yoga stretches, & my new favorite tea.

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1 comment:

  1. I am thankful you got in for some massage therapy on your back. Dr. Q asked about you yesterday. I am sorry it is still so painful for you. :( Praying for some relief.
    I love you,
    P.S. Excited to be seeing you soon. R. will be home too!
