Saturday, December 15

Sunny City

I'm back in Sunny City after spending a week all-over-the-map in Texas. In some ways it feels good to be "home," but it's definitely not anything like HOME! I just finished floating around in the pool, looking up at the stars framed by palm trees - at 9:00 at night at CHRISTMAS TIME! Definitely a weird feeling to be able to do that!

I think Sunny City is beginning to grow on me, though, or at least it's becoming more comfortable! Getting around is becoming easier. I don't get as lost as I first did. :) Thank goodness for google maps on my BB, though! The latest version provides a gps-type service using triangulation - which has saved my nondirectional butt several times, and is saving me on gas money too...

[Where am I, again???

That's about it for now! I should probably get on with the day and do some Christmas shopping!

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