Wednesday, April 1


The rumors are true (despite this being April Fools) - it's official: I am finally employed!

Today is my first day back in the world of cubes.

Yes, cubes.  

Sadly my new job isn't my "dream job" in the sense of it being another step on my Senior Housing management career path.  Or is it?  Maybe it's just a side step, and I just don't know it yet.  Either way, I still feel like I'm making some personal sacrifices and taking some professional steps backwards just to HAVE  job in this current economy... my accustomed income level, an office with a door, a position with the word 'manager' in it, business travel points and key chains from states I haven't visited yet, etc.  You know, that material ego-stroke stuff that somehow, some sneaky way, becomes important in a professional life.


What I am GAINING from this job, though, is priceless to me right now:  a steady paycheck, great hours (8:30-5, with no frowns or strange looks if I'm not in the door before 8am and leave before 6:30pm), in a city I want to live, near family & friends & 5 minutes from Bob's (crucial - ha!), a chance to start in a new industry broadening my resume (yeah, yeah), working for people from a culture that is people-focused & friendly, time for exercise & fun stuff after work, short commute, low-stress job, ...basically, a better, healthier, more fun lifestyle than the one I had in OC.

So, I guess 'so what' if I'm back down at the bottom of another ladder.  At least I already know how to climb...and have been given a new ladder!

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