Yesterday I tidied up the guest bath (which doubles as my kitties' bath as well) for a visit from my brother + 2 guests. You know what took the longest to clean? It wasn't the dreaded awkward corner shower. No; it was the remains of kitty-litter with charcoal additives, combined with moisture from a damp bath, stuck & smeared in tight corners on the floor.
How's that for an image?
Yeah, not so great - I'll be the first to admit! (Don't worry - lest you begin to question your next visit to me, I sanitize EVERYTHING...multiple times. You should really be worrying about my cleaning OCPD instead, but that's a whole 'nuther blog post...)
My problem today is finding my dream cat litter.
Alright - all my friends with cats who've told me I should try Fresh Step Multi-Cat because it's your absolute favorite and you won't switch to anything else, plug your ears...
I hate this litter. Well, love hate. It does a pretty nice job of covering odors, isn't very dusty, and clumps at the faintest hint of moisture. BUT! It's way tedious to clean up and tracks EVERYWHERE...and the moment it encounters a tiny bit of moisture - it sticks and is such a pain to get up. And it hasn't been for a lack of trying different litter-mats for Dallas & Bear to walk over on their way out of the box, either. Given what it does to my floors, I'm also feeling very concerned about what it must be doing in my kitties' GI systems, after they unstick it off their paws...ick! And I hear the stuff just sits in landfills, taking forever to decompose.
So I'm planning to switch back to what I used to use for my next box of litter (which is likely this weekend), unless you guys can help me with any other options?
I started Bear & Dallas out on Swheat Scoop and Word's Best Cat Litter. Both are made of biodegradable natural products (wheat and corn, respectively) that aren't harmful if ingested and are much easier on the environment. Both get the job done in the clumping /absorbing department (plus are flushable instead of scooping into a garbage bag!). They are much dustier, though (which is extremely noticable on a solid black cat after it finishes covering its business). The amount of tracking seems about the same, but is more manageable because it doesn't include charcoal and doesn't glue to the floor as horribly. Also the smell of the litter can remind me of grain silos at times...and I REALLY don't recommend dumping baking soda in the box to try to remedy the smell issue, based on personal experience. lol Talk about a DUST problem!!
So even they don't leave me a 100% happy housecleaner or kitty mom.
Do you swear by a particular litter? If so, please help me pick a new favorite by dropping me a line or two!
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