...that was my email code to Dad back in college, when I'd get too busy to write much, to at least let him know that my heart was still beating and I wasn't slumped over my books in some remote corner of the library where nobody had missed me enough to come looking yet...
So thump, thump - I'm still here and not laying prone somewhere past East 'G' Street on North Naches Ave (thank goodness).
I've been busy lately, but honestly, not sure it will sound like much once it hits the keyboard here...
- work
- back dr. appts. 3x/wk
- stretching
- making dinner for the fam
Yeah, that's been about it.
The exciting news is that my back finally started to turn a corner about Wednesday of last week - after over a YEAR of constant pain and ever-decreasing mobility and range of motion. My 'therapy' has been kicking up a lot of toxins as my muscles finally relax and stretch out and my body starts moving like it should again. It took a good 2-3/wks of therapy where I felt horribly miserably achey all over, dizzy as my body re-balanced to the appropriate height on the right side with my heel lift, and thinking through a dense fog of toxin-release before it seemed like the sun started shining again. The best part: I felt up to riding my bike this weekend - TWICE!...and my muscles didn't scream at me afterwards! Granted it was only 15 minutes (about 3 miles) each time, but that is a HUGE accomplishment for me to do without experiencing any adverse pain!!
I still have a long ways to go and it takes about 1-2 hours out of each day by the time I'm done with appointments, stretching, exercising, and stretching again...but it's so nice to finally feel like I'm making progress. Finally.
My best friends in this process: a roller massage table at my back dr's office and a foursquare-like rubber therapy ball that I roll around on at home. Oh, and my dr is a good guy too. :) And then there's also calcium, magnesium, potassium, vit D, grape seed extract, fiber and water, which have all been fantastic as well. And my job. Thank you Jesus for a paycheck again to support the process.
Speaking of my job: it's been a very very mellow one - so much so that when I get home, I don't even think about it any more (I can't remember the last time I haven't taken the day home with me). It's left me open to doing a lot of daydreaming/scheming during my night-time hours. The latest on that to come in another post, another time...